Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Identifying Favorite Things

The link below is a video of Madelyn and identifying her favorite things.

9 month Highlights

9 months old!

Got to go swimming this month. :)

Mom finally realized all I really want is to play with her kitchen stuff, forget my toys!  This keeps me nice and occupied while she works in the kitchen.

Loves digging in drawers/baskets, especially the laundry basket!

I got a purse and the lady at toys r us have me a credit card, haha, a fake gift card! 

Love swimming in my pool and also playing in it without water.  We go out on the patio in the mornings and I like to throw my ball out of the pool and say ah-oh, then mommy gets it for me.

Naps became a little more challenging this month as she started peeping out of her crib and wondering why I was leaving the room!

I like putting things on my head, random things...I get a kick out of it!

Madelyn started cruising this month.

Mom's shades are cool, I like to pull them off of her head.

Got a new ride that also turns into a walker.

Now I can really explore new things, since I am cruising.

Grandmama fixed up mommy's old high chair that had been in their barn for about 20 years!  Fourth of July at grandmama's house I got to sit in it and eat one of my favorites, watermelon!

Love to walk with help, it is my favorite! I actually took a few steps this month!
Getting Daddy some boots for Father's Day.
Madelyn had a big month this month!  She took her first steps on July 7, took 4 steps to mommy.  Her record is 7 steps, but she still mostly just likes to walk with help.  She does not like to crawl at all, really skipped this all together, she will scoot to mommy, then stand up so I can help her walk.  She started saying "dough" for dog, "sh-sh-sh" for shoes, "bye bye" and can wave or say "hi", says "ah-oh" really clear, "ba" for bath, "bow" and can take out her bow when asked, "k-k-k" for cup.  She is really a talker!  It is so funny to watch her talk to herself when she reads or is playing by herself, she just jabbers and jabbers.  She can definitely identify mom and dad now, even though I have thought she could do this for several is clear she can do it now.  She will pant and get soooo excited if you say "I'm gonna get you", haha, and she will try to get away.  It is amazing how much she understands.  If I say, "Do you want to go play with your letters?"  She will walk (with help) over to the refrigerator to play with them.  She is so much fun and has such a fun little personality. :)  I really tried to break her from waking up at night this month.  I just stopped going in her room, which was really hard, but after about a week she stopped waking up, which is nice!  Now she sleeps from 8:30-6:30 and still takes two naps a day, usually the first one is only 45 min and the second is 1.5 hours.  Favorite Foods: Cantelope, Peas, Mangos,  Blueberry Muffins, Ground Meat,  Puffs or Mum Mums.

Cathching Up! 8 Month Highlights

8 Months Old!

Hanging out with Daddypaw

Starting pointing this month!

Madelyn really began to LOVE standing up this month and walking with help.

Went to her first baby shower with mommy and had fun playing with the other babies there.

Got really good at drinking out of her sippy cup this month.

Still likes her walker.

Got good at making faces at mommy.

And also making faces when foods are a little sour!  Ha, she loves watermelon, not sure why she is making that face in this picture.

Ate blueberry pancakes this month for the first time and surprised mommy by eating an entire pancake!  I got the recipe from "Cooking with Joy", Joy Bauer's cookbook.  It is a keeper!  

This month Madelyn started saying "ba" for ball and "nay, nay" for no-no.  She also starting army crawling/scooting on the floor.  Other accomplishments this month:  Can put a ball in her little basketball hoop, babbling a lot more especially when reading her books, pointing, imitating sounds (ah-ah-ah), pulled self to sitting from back, almost pulling to standing.  Favorite foods: meatloaf, watermelon, blueberries, chicken, and pancakes!  Sleeping from 8 pm-4 or 6 am.  Nurses every 4 hours.