Monday, February 27, 2012

Month 2

At two months old Madelyn was eating every 3 hours, sleeping 6-7 hours straight at night, waking to eat, sleeping 4 hours, waking to eat, then sleeping another 2 hours. She didn't nap for very long at this point, would mostly take 30 minute naps every 2 hours. We had trouble getting her to bed before 10 pm, she really liked to stay up late at night. She never really liked to be rocked, would mostly fall asleep nursing, with a pacy, or walking her up and down the stairs which was definitely a work out! We finally transitioned over to the crib when she turned 2 months old, she did really well but definitely needed to be swaddled since it was a much larger space than the bassinet in our room. She still did not like tummy time at 2 months, but started to do better when a boppy pillow was placed underneath her. She rolled over for the first time from tummy to back at 11 weeks old. This month we spent the night at Grandmama's house and Madelyn slept really well. I am pretty sure she slept longer than she ever had before while out in the country in my mom's 40 year old crib!

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