Tuesday, May 1, 2012

7 months old

She loves her new walker!

Loves rolling around on the beach ball!

Yay, Daddypa's fresh black-eyed peas!

I cannot believe Madelyn is now getting close to 8 months in a couple of weeks, guess this post is a little overdue, but we have been busy!  She likes keeping her mama busy and still doesn't want me too far away.  She is getting a little better about letting me go in the other room for a second if she is really engaged with her toys, but most of the time she likes me right there playing with her.
Activities: She likes her walker, outdoor swing (LOVES this and would stay in it all day if I let her :), jumper, lying and rolling on the floor, and sitting and playing with her toys.  We went to a Gymboree class today and she liked seeing all of the other little kids.  She is quite the social butterfly when she gets around other kids.  She just laughs and claps (which she just started doing a couple of weeks ago).  She also really likes feet, shoes, banging toys together, hitting the table or the hard wood floor with her hands, squealing at the top of her lungs, riding in her umbrella stroller, riding in the grocery cart, picking up little pieces of food and trying to get them in her mouth, watching mom blow bubbles and chew gum, drinking out of mom's cup, standing up with help, balls, rolling and throwing balls, paper and trying really hard to get her hands on paper and put in in her mouth before mom catches her, teething biscuits, TV (although we rarely let her watch it), phones, computer screens, our leather couch, her dresser drawers, books (just recently she started listening when I read to her, her beach ball, her walker, light switches, fans, remotes, chewing on a pacifier, anything hanging on the wall, watching the wind blow.  Those are just a few of the many things she is obsessed with at the moment! :)
Sounds/Social Interaction: She sings to music by saying "ohhhhh", says mama a lot, bababa, and is starting to make the "dada" sound under her breath.  I guess we can't officially say she is saying it yet, because it just sounds like she is whispering it.  We always try and get her to say it, so it is kind of like she is messing with us, haha.Post
Sleep: Madelyn has been staying up a little later recently.  Now is going to bed between 7-8, and is sleeping a little later, till about 6:30 which is nice (fingers crossed, but lately she has not been waking at all in the night).  She takes 2 naps/day, morning nap from 9:30-10:15 and afternoon nap around 1:30 or 2.  The afternoon nap lasts anywhere from 1-1.5 hours, sometimes 2 hours on a good day.  She doesn't really have a set schedule, just put her down for the first nap about 2.5 hours after waking up and her afternoon nap is 3.5 hours after waking from first nap.  Oh and on a side note she now sleeps on her side, tummy, or back, switches it up all night long.
Feeding: She nurses every 4 hours, and is doing really well on solids, eating 3 meals/day.  I try to eat lunch with her and sometimes we eat dinner together if I can get it all on the table in time.  She really likes mangos and still loves her cereal.  She tried black-eyed peas, carrots, green beans, peas, teething biscuits, apple juice, and puffs this month.  She is able to feed herself, or at least attempt to get the foods in her mouth, and is doing really well with textures.  Most of the food I give her is pretty thick and lumpy.  I think she is about ready for mashed table food.  I did give her a watermelon to try which she had a little bit of trouble with, I just mashed it up and I think the consistency was a little off.  She liked it out of her food feeder, though.  We are still working on the sippy cup, she can drink out of it but mostly still just likes to play with it and bang it on things.  She does well drinking out of the end of a straw.
***Firsts this month include clapping, feeding herself, imitating us when we sing and say longer vow sounds.  She is the sweetest little girl, my absolute favorite thing is sometimes before bed, after I nurse her, she will just snuggle up on my chest or give me kisses.  She normally doesn't like to snuggle, but at this time of day she sometimes will.  She likes it when I kiss her check and say boooommm, she will just laugh at this for some reason.  This always makes it so hard to put her to bed at night, ahhh, I just want to soak up every minute!